Ireneu Tranis

Actor and creator born in Barcelona in 1984 and graduated in dramatic art from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona.
He has worked with theater directors such as Claudio Tolcachir, Carles Santos, Georges Lavaudant or Jordi Oriol, among others. He has also participated in shows such as Canto jo i la muntanya balla (3 awards Max '22) or Coralina, la serventa amorosa of La Perla 29.
He has also worked in La Riera and Com si fos ahir, from TV3, and Ciencia Forense from RTVE and has participated in several film productions such as "The perfume" by Tom Tykwer or "Modelo 77" by Alberto Rodríguez.
Creator of shows such as El Venedor d'Històries, ANEBODA the show (touring circuit award for alternative theaters in Spain) and co-artistic director of the collective Mos Maiorum (Caravana de Tràilers Award, Adrià Gual award, cia. resident of Teatre Lliure 2019 and more than 100 shows performed throughout Spain and France).
He is also a violinist and mandolinist collaborating in musical groups such as Arthur Caravan, Verd Cel, IX, Jalea Real or Fratelli la Strada.